The internet broke me

So here I am after what feels like the longest yet most shortest break taken from this creative world that I'm still discovering. I hope I've come back to you in a more fresh and positive light and with lots more ideas to share and discuss.

Like many others I decided I was going to spend Christmas in a technology free world (at least most of the festive period). About two weeks before Christmas my beloved Iphone charger decided to break on me leaving me with a well loved Iphone that was slowly diminishing on battery. Due to my incredible laziness, getting a new charger seemed to be put at the back of my to do list and with my phone finally dying on me and with no laptop I saw an opportunity that I had to cease. 


Although very difficult, I was no longer checking my emails every five minutes, gone were the incessant pings that flooded my head space with messages unread, the endless task of continually refreshing my facebook page and reading the lists of twitter notifications that kept me in touch with the daily lives of all my internet friends. It was scary, I had so much free time. 

Time to think, time to be myself and most of all time to live.

My days were filled with constant activity, spending time with loved ones, learning new skills and even de-cluttering all of my junk in time for my big move.
(A task my mum had been begging me for weeks to do!)
My internet life was no longer taking over my real life.

Don't get me wrong, I did miss some things, like the ease of googling any questions unanswered and most of all my mobile banking. 
However, it did make me stop and think. Just a few years ago if I wanted to check my balance I just walked to the nearest cash machine, why did that task seem so difficult now?

You may not, but like many others my life seemed to revolve around a piece of technology called a mobile! But with this new freedom I have weaned myself off my constant internet use and have decided to use it in a more minimal and sparing way.

Turn your phone off, meet some friends, read a new book, explore nature and most of all make new relationships, no not online ones, it has to be face to face.

Remember to live, your greatest stories will always be the ones you experienced yourself.


All images used in this blog post belong to me unless otherwise stated, please ask permission to use any of the images.

Thank you