Rant about the blogging world

*Major rant! Completely unedited and impromptu!*

I'm not quite sure what made me tick and decide to talk about this, but I figured that 160 characters on Twitter didn't give it the oomph it needed.

I hate certain aspects of the blogging community. The fact that at times I've felt the need to sell my soul to fit in and hang with the  cool kids, something I've been trying to do since I was about six years old when I realised that it's all about popularity. Not what you know but who you know. At the tender age of 20 when I'm supposed to be having fun and making new and exciting friendships I've had enough and I'm throwing my hands up in the air and saying fuck it. 

I no longer care. I'm going to do what I enjoy most and be free and creative to my hearts content. 

I'm crazy and sometimes some people just don't get me, my sense of humour is weird and I laugh at things that are sometimes not that funny. I'm not conventionally beautiful and I don't have the wit and charm to make a room stand still, but that doesn't matter and I'm going to embrace that. I have positive qualities too which I'm still discovering everyday. 

I'm going to change my story, and I'm going to stop chasing friends who can't embrace me as I'm embracing myself, who look at my follower count and decide that I'm not worthy of their time. 

This is me making my statement to live and not just exist, something we easily slip into without realising, to relax and not care. 

Joseph Campbell said
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." 

If you ever feel stuck and need to chat, I can lend an ear.


All images used in this blog post belong to me unless otherwise stated, please ask permission to use any of the images.

Thank you