A Very "Simple" Skin Care

Ask anyone that knows me and they'll tell you the same thing, I'm pretty rubbish at all that beauty malarkey but that doesn't stop me giving it a good try. Days have passed when I've applied makeup and thought I actually looked better without the miracle stuff that's suppose to give me a glow and make me look like I have defined cheekbones and luscious lashes. 

With my head hanging in shame I'm the girl who watched a 10 minute YouTube video three times and still couldn't put the falsies on my lashes.

So your probably thinking what the hell has she got to offer that I can't already find from a beauty guru who actually knows what they're doing and the answer should probably be nothing but I have a feeling that's not the case.  

All the lovely things that I use.

Quick. Easy. Fool proof.

I often get lost in the world of online beauty, the endless videos that flood my YouTube homepage frighten me but I won't ever unsubscribe, I enjoy them too much. That's until I try to recreate the look or purchase the products. The overwhelming feeling I get causes my anxiety to kick in and I leave the store in a huff intoxicated by the endless amount of bottles and jars that fill the rows of shelves that I can't escape from.

So instead, I take a step back and remember the wise words my grandma told me "The most beautiful girls never wear makeup".

So if like me, the bottles and the jars scare you too, maybe you'll enjoy this more relaxed approach to beauty. I like to  call it the "I roll out of bed and find I have 10 minutes to get ready skincare routine" 

The face washes/cleanser:

Every morning I like to wash my oily/combination skin with Simple Moisturising Facial Wash followed by a quick cleanse using Simple Cleansing Lotion which I absolutely love. It honestly whips up any dirt and when I use both of them together I can assure that my skin is clean and ready for the day. I don't like to use a face wash at night if I haven't worn any make up but I'll use the cleanser to get rid of the polluted London air on my face! 

I love a good face mask but I rarely have the time to put one on and would actually rather 10 more minutes in bed. When I get the chance I use Superdrug's Witch Hazel Mud Mask which is usually whenever I have a bath. The mask is thick but you only need to use a small amount to cover your face so the tube is sure to last you a while and is also great value for money.


I try to drink lots of water during the day so I like to keep this small 330ml bottle of Evian with me in my bag when I'm on the go. If I'm having a day where I'm not running around too much I like to keep a large 2litre bottle of water with me to essentially remind me to drink more and to make me aware of how much water I've drank during the day. I'm lucky enough to generally have really clear skin so my skin definelty feels the effects of when I haven't had enough to drink. 

As winter is very fast approaching I like to keep my skin hydrated so I've been using  Avène Thermal Spring Water whenever my face gets a bit dry. As I have oily/combination skin it doesn't get dry  that often but I love to use it whenever I'm travelling or when I've finished applying makeup to add moisture back into my skin after I've used foundation and powder. It's super light and so refreshing.

As a cheaper alternative you can always fill a spray bottle with some water but I love the amount of minerals in Avène Thermal Spring Water and all Avène products so it's a definite keep during the windy months. 

Moisturises and toner:

I hardly use any moisturisers on my face because I don't like adding any excess oil to my already oily skin. If I need to moisturise my face Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion, Boots Glycerin and Rosewater and Simple Light Moisturiser are my three go to products as they are not greasy. 

If I'm using my Boots Glycerin and Rosewater after I've cleansed my face I don't feel any need to put on any additional moisturiser as it does two jobs for my skin, it tones and also moisturises it making my skin feel smooth and hydrated.

As a precaution I always keep Simple Light Moisturiser in my bag for any dry skin emergencies but I rarely need to pull it out and use it if I've toned my face that morning.
My Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion is my absolute favourite, I even use it on my body and use to use it as a facial moisturiser before I discovered my Gylcerine and Rosewater.

So there it is! 
My "I roll out of bed and find I have 10 minutes to get ready skincare routine"!

I hope it was simple!


All images used in this blog post belong to me unless otherwise stated, please ask permission to use any of the images.

Thank you


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